The Mining Business Deals with COVID-19
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has up-ended everyday life for everyone as it spreads throughout the world. Mining Media International (MMI) has taken the necessary precautions to keep day-today business running by practicing social distancing while constantly monitoring the situation. So far, the impacts for much of the mining business has not been as severe as other industries as the mines are located in remote, low risk areas and many mining suppliers have been designated as essential, allowing them to continue to provide services.
Several updates have been posted on the E&MJ Website: see From those and more recent new releases, we can tell you. Most mines continue to operate. Most mines are located in remote locations, which helps as for as isolation, and they are no longer allowing outside visitors. Similar to most businesses, they have response plans in place and they are monitoring the situation. Like society in general, mining companies are increasing stock levels for key supplies and equipment and they are looking at alternative suppliers and supply routes. Mining companies have postponed or significantly reduced the workforce on projects they consider non-essential and all non-essential travel has been suspended.
At this point, Peru and South Africa are the only mining countries that have implemented a national quarantine. The Premier of Quebec ordered all “non-essential” businesses closed from March 24 to April 13. Similarly, South Africa ordered all “non-essential” businesses to close on March 26 for 21 days. Some miners took immediate actions, while others are seeking to define the term “non-essential.”
Mining Media International will continue to keep you apprised with regular updates on the E&MJ, Coal Age and Equipo Minero Websites. We will also continue to deliver print and digital information to our 40,000 readers.
Take care and please be safe.
Steve Fiscor, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief,