MicroMentis staged the world release of its Surface Wave Intelligent Profiling System (SWIPS) for visualizing the mechanical and physical properties of solids at a range exceeding 100 m. The system comprises 16 wireless sensors, a shear wave impact generator and a user interface that incorporates the most advanced software applications for earth analysis and modeling. The components are packed into two carrying cases each weighing 15 kg, so the system is extremely portable. Operation of the SWIPS equipment requires minimal training, and results interpretation needs to be performed by qualified personnel. The end results provide detailed 3-D information about the physical and mechanical properties. For ground investigation, the company claims SWIPS can reduce the prospecting and exploration time as well as the number of drill holes required. SWIPS can also increase the drill holes yield in obtaining valid and usable information. Through its wizard menu it helps the user to integrate complementary data, plan work, drill holes and model environments.
