Vermeer Sales & Service promoted the Vermeer TL1255 600-
hp terrain leveller. The TL1255 has a 3.7 m wide tilting cutter
drum, and can cut up to 81.2 cm deep. The tilting drum facilitates
the use of laser guidance technology to control grade.
Proprietary “top down cutting” technology is used, with the teeth
cutting into rock as the machine moves forward. The TL1255
does not rely on tractive force to create tooth penetration. It
employs heavy duty head shaft motors and splined headshafts.
Because the cutting drum is an attachment, the TL1255 can be
readily converted to work as a trencher, increasing its versatility.
While the Vermeer TL1255 Terrain Leveler can be seen as an
alternative to ripping or drill-and-blast, its potential impact on
mining methods is greater than this. It is designed to eliminate
the need for primary crushers, large loaders, large mining haul
trucks and the associated permits and licensing—in addition to
rippers and drills. According to the company, it takes only one
TL1255 to perform site preparation and excavation, mine material
or handle contaminated soil.